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To use this mdbook template

Fork/clone from Github Repo

Install mdbook

$ make install

Sync Project README

  • Copy the project template to create new project ./src/
  • Add project link to ./src/
  • In uncomment **Project Repo:** and update to project repo url

To sync with README content in the project repo run:

$ make sync

This will also fetch referenced ./assets/ images and download to local Rustfolio ./src/assets/ folder

Preview mdbook

$ make serve

Deploy to Github Pages

Automatic CI/CD via Github Actions on git push. See .github/workflows/deploy.yml

Note: this will automatically sync project README using make sync

$ git push origin main

Configure Repo for Github Pages

Ensure repository is serving from gh-pages branch



Credits: athletedecoded

Project Repo:

CI/CD Pipeline

AWS S3 Rust CLI Tool

The current AWS CLI is written in Python. For this project I have built a mini AWS S3 CLI using Rust which supports CRUD operations for buckets and objects.


Project Goals/Outcomes

  • Develop my first Rust project
  • Use Github Codespaces and Copilot
  • Integrate the 'AWS SDK for Rust' into a Rust project


  1. Create an AWS IAM User Policy for S3

  2. Configure your ~/.aws/credentials file with environment variables: aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key and region


List all S3 buckets

$ cargo run list

List all objects in a specified S3 bucket

$ cargo run list --bucket <bucket_name>
# ex: cargo run list --bucket ids721

Create new S3 bucket

$ cargo run create --bucket <bucket_name>
# ex: cargo run create --bucket ids721

Upload an object to an S3 bucket

NB: Will create bucket if DNE

$ cargo run upload --bucket <bucket_name> --filepath <path_to_file>
# ex: cargo run upload --bucket ids721 --filepath ./test/test.png

Delete an object from an S3 bucket

$ cargo run delete --bucket <bucket_name> --key <object_key>
# ex: cargo run delete --bucket ids721 --key test.png

Delete an empty S3 bucket

$ cargo run delete --bucket <bucket_name>
# ex: cargo run delete --bucket ids721

Get an object from an S3 bucket

$ cargo run get --bucket <bucket_name> --key <object_key>
# ex: cargo run get --bucket ids721 --key test.jpg


Github Actions configured in .github/workflows/rust.yml

Build Executable

$ make release

Progress Log

  • Create an AWS IAM User Policy for S3
  • Configure Github Codespaces with AWS Toolkit Credential Profile
  • Initialise Rust project with AWS SDK for Rust
  • Establish basic AWS client connection to list S3 buckets
  • Add clap command line parsing for arguments (bucket name, local file name)
  • Bucket fxns: list, create new, check if exists, delete if empty
  • Object fxns: list objects in bucket, upload to existing bucket, upload to new bucket, delete
  • CI/CD with Github Actions


Project Repo:

CI/CD Pipeline

IDS721 Spring 2023 Project 4 - Image Compression for Big Data

Image Compression for Big Data using EFS x Lambda x Rust. Uses downsampling + filter to perform inplace image compression in parallel and reduce the memory cost of big image data storage. Includes upsampling invocation option to restore image size.



cargo lambda invoke --remote \
    --data-ascii '{"dir": "imgs", "scale_op": "down", "scale_factor": 2, "filter": "Gaussian"}' \
    --output-format json \


  • dir = subdirectory to perform compression on i.e. /mnt/efs/{dir}
  • scale_op = "down","up"
  • scale_factor = factor to scale width/height
  • filter = "gaussian" (default), "nearest", "triangle", "catmullrom", "lanczos3"

Developer Setup

Configure AWS IAM Permissions

  1. Create an IAM User policy for "LambdaDev" with AWSLambda_FullAccess permissions and added custom inline permission config
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "PermissionsToDeploy",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
  1. Add "LambdaDev" access keys to your local ~/.aws/credentials file along with environment variables:
  • aws_access_key_id
  • aws_secret_access_key
  • aws_role_arn (NB: this is copied from the IAM user summary and is formatted as arn:aws:iam::<aws_acct>:user/<iam_user>)
  • region
  1. Create an IAM Role policy named "EFSxLambda" with AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole + AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole + AmazonElasticFileSystemClientFullAccess permissions

Deploy Lambda Fxn from Developer Environment (i.e. this repo)

# Install cargo-lambda
$ python3 -m venv ~/.venv
$ source ~/.venv/bin/activate
$ make install

# Build Binary 
$ make release

# Deploy to AWS
$ make deploy

Setup Cloud9

  1. Launch Cloud9 console and create an environment with "New EC2 Instance" + "SSM Connection" + "default VPC"
  2. Once provisioned, click on env details > EC2 instance > manage EC2 instance. Make note of the associated security group listed.

Setup EFS

  1. Launch AWS EFS console and provision EFS instance
  2. Once provisioned, click on file system name > network. Make note of the security group id listed.
  3. Under EFS access points tab > add access point > create with following settings:
  • Name: Lambda2EFS
  • Root directory path: / (by default root is /mnt/efs)
  • Posix User ID: 1000
  • Posix Group ID: 1000
  • Owner User ID: 1000
  • Owner Group ID: 1000
  • Access point permissions: 0777

Configure Security Groups

  1. From EC2 console > security groups > new security group:
  • Name = ImgComp
  • Description = Mangage img-comp lambda access
  • VPC = same as EFS (default)
  • Save
  1. To enable EFS --> Lambda: click ImgComp security group ID > edit inbound rules > Set: type = NFS, protocol = TCP, port range = 2049, source = custom > add the EFS security group ID (from the drop down box)
  2. To enable EFS --> Cloud9: click Cloud9 security group ID > edit inbound rules > Set: type = NFS, protocol = TCP, port range = 2049, source = custom > add the EFS security group ID (from the drop down box).
  3. To enable Lambda & Cloud 9 --> EFS: click EFS security group ID > edit inbound rules > add inbound rule for each:
  • Set: type = NFS, protocol = TCP, port range = 2049, source = custom > add the ImgComp security group ID (from the drop down box)
  • Set: type = NFS, protocol = TCP, port range = 2049, source = custom > add the Cloud9 security group ID (from the drop down box)

Configure Lambda

  1. Configuration > Permissions > edit execution role > select "EFSxLambda" from above
  2. Configuration > VPC > edit > select default VPC (to match EFS)
  3. Configuration > VPC > edit > select security group as ImgComp
  4. Configuration > File Systems > add EFS + access point + local mount path = /mnt/efs
  5. Configuration > Env Variables > LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /mnt/efs

Mount EFS to Cloud9

  1. Launch Cloud9 environment
  2. Run the following commands to mount to /mnt/efs
# Docs:

# Install efs-ultils (
sudo yum install -y amazon-efs-utils

sudo mkdir -p /mnt/efs

# From img-comp EFS > Attach > copy EFS helper command
sudo mount -t efs -o tls <AWS_FS_ID>:/ /mnt/efs

# Switch ownership permissions
sudo chown ec2-user:ec2-user /mnt/efs
sudo chmod 755 /mnt/efs

# Copy local Cloud9 imgs directory to EFS
cp -r imgs /mnt/efs

# check files have been moved over
cd /mnt/efs


  • Invokation failure may be insufficient lambda CPU/tmp storage that needs to be reconfigured for higher capacity


Project Repo:

CI/CD Pipeline

IDS721 Spring 2023 Project 3 - Rust Serverless with AWS

Automated serverless S3 backup using AWS Lambda x Rust


What I Learnt

  • Deploying AWS serverless using Lambda x S3 trigger
  • Configuring S3 Access Points and Roles

Developer Setup

Pre-Configure AWS

  1. Create an IAM User policy for "LambdaDeveloper" with AWSLambda_FullAccess permissions and added custom inline permission config
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "PermissionsToDeploy",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
  1. Add "LambdaDeveloper" keys to your local ~/.aws/credentials file with environment variables:
  • aws_access_key_id
  • aws_secret_access_key
  • aws_role_arn
  • region

Note: aws_role_arn is copied from the IAM user summary and is formatted as arn:aws:iam::<aws_acct>:user/<iam_user>

  1. Create an IAM Role policy for "S3xLambdaAccessRole" with AmazonS3FullAccess and AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole permissions
  2. Allocate 3 x S3 Buckets (SourceBucket, OutputBucket, RubbishBucket) and add an Access Point to each

Deploy Lambda Function

# Install cargo lambda
$ python3 -m venv ~/.venv
$ source ~/.venv/bin/activate
$ make install

# Build binary
$ make release

# Deploy to AWS
$ make deploy

AWS Permissions

  1. From the AWS Lambda Console > Functions > s3-backup > Configuration > Permissions > change Execution role to preconfigured "S3xLambdaAccessRole"
  2. From the AWS Lambda Console > Functions > s3-backup > Configuration > Environment variables > set the following env variables coinciding with S3 Access Point ARNs: SRC_AP_ARN, DEST_AP_ARN, RUBBISH_AP_ARN

NB: Access Point ARNs will be of the format arn:aws:s3:[region]:[aws-id]:accesspoint/[access-point-name]


Project Repo:

CI/CD Pipeline

IDS721 Spring 2023 Project 2 - Rust Containerized Microservice

The HuggingFace Hub is implemented as a Python wrapper around the HuggingFace API Endpoints. This project is a distroless and containerized Rust microservice that acts as an API proxy for the HuggingFace API Endpoints. Github Actions allows for automated CI/CD to Azure Containers.


What I Learnt

  • Configuring reqwest for GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requests
  • Certifying HTTPS using reqwest from within a Docker image -- I spent days debugging and exhausting certification solutions and it all came down to enabling the rustls-tls feature in reqwest and either installing debian ca-certificates or mounting them to Docker at runtime 🀯
  • CI/CD with Github Actions to automate Azure container deployment



$ make install

HuggingFace Access Token

  1. Generate a HuggingFace personal access token with write permissions
  2. Configure environment variables below per choice of launching locally or within Docker

To launch locally

  1. Rename SAMPLE_ENV to .env and save
  2. Set your HF personal access token in .env
  3. Run local microservice on localhost:8080
$ make run

To launch within Docker

  1. Set your HF personal access token in Makefile (line 2)
  2. Build Docker image
$ make build

Gotchas if you encounter a build failure on "ERROR [internal] load metadata ..." then run

$ rm  ~/.docker/config.json 
$ make build
  1. Run Docker image
$ make rundocker

Docker Debugging CA-Certificates

If you have CA-certification issues you may need to manually mount self-signed certificates to the Docker image instead. To do this first generate .pem certificate

# make local certs dir
$ mkdir ./certs
# generate ca-certificates
$ openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout ./certs/key.pem -out ./certs/cert.pem -sha256 -days 365 -nodes -subj '/CN=localhost'

Then launch Docker image with mounted certificates

$ make mntcerts

Deploy to Azure

  1. Provision an Azure Container App and set repository PAT, AZURE_CREDENTIALS secrets according to this repo docs
  2. Ensure Container App ingress setting matches port "8080"
  3. Set a repository secret HFAT to your HuggingFace Access Token
  4. git push origin deploy-distro then manually trigger workflow from GitHub Actions

Useage & Endpoints

Supported endpoints to base URL https://localhost:8080

GET / -- Homepage

GET /api/account -- Returns your HuggingFace account info

POST /api/repo -- Create a new repository

POST /api/repo json request body 
    "type": <"model","dataset" or "spaces">
    "name": <repo_name>,
    "private": <true or false>

DELETE /api/repo -- Delete a repository

DELETE /api/repo json request body 
    "type": <"model","dataset" or "spaces">
    "name": <repo_name>

PUT /api/repo -- Update repository visibility

PUT /api/repo json request body 
    "type": <"model","dataset" or "spaces">
    "namespace": "<username>/<repo_name>" eg. "ferris/my_repo"
    "private": <true or false>


  • Configure GET, POST, DELETE, PUSH routes
  • Pass environment variables into Docker per docs
  • Debug reqwest x Rust x Docker CA Certificate bug
  • Configure Actix logging
  • Actix HTTP error response handling
  • CI/CD & Binary Release


Project Repo:

CI/CD Pipeline

Rusty Pipe [WiP]

E2E ML Pipeline -- from data to distroless deploy



Download example dataset

$ cd train
$ make dataset

Train model

$ cargo run hymenoptera_data

Convert model for Deploy

$ python3 -m venv ~/.venv
$ source ~/.venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ make models


Test Locally

$ cd ../deploy
$ make run

Deploy to Azure Distroless Container

  1. Provision Container App rusty-pipe in Azure. Update Container App > Settings > Ingress > Port = 8080.

  2. From Azure CLI, generate Service Principle Credentials. Capture output and add to Github Repo as AZURE_CREDENTIALS Actions Repository Secret.

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "RustyPipeAccess" --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID --sdk-auth
  1. Generate GitHub PAT with write:packages access. Capture output and add to Github Repo as PAT Actions Repository Secret.

  2. Push then manually trigger from GitHub Actions > Trigger Auto Deploy from branch: deploy-distro

git checkout -b deploy-distro
git push origin deploy-distro


  • Rusty-Pipe Repo > Settings > Actions > General > Actions Permissions > Allow all actions
  • Rusty-Pipe Repo > Settings > Actions > General > Workflow Permissions > Read & Write

Useage & Endpoints

Local base URL https://localhost:8080

Example deployed URL

GET / -- Homepage

POST /predict -- Predict Image

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "image=@assets/ant.jpg" <base_url>/predict



  • Dataset: create tch dataloader that takes train_val split with class subdirectories
  • Models: improve CNN, fix VGG, pass model as CLI param
  • Dynamic class generation --> txt file --> deploy


  • Fix GHA deploy -- upload models to Azure Blob via SDK
  • Switch from ot to onnx rt
  • Load testing


Project Repo:

CI/CD Data Science with Rust

CI/CD Pipeline

Stable Beta Nightly

CLI and Notebook EDA using polars/plotters/evcxr + CI/CD distroless deployment

"Futureproofs" by testing build across rust releases: stable, beta, nightly



# Install Rust
make install

# Install evcxr_jupyter
make evcxr

# Check versions
make toolchain

Rust x Jupyter

  1. Launch ./notebook.ipynb >> Select Kernel >> Jupyter Kernel >> Rust
  2. Run All Cells


Supported data formats: .csv, .json files


# If file includes headers
cargo run summary --path </path/to/data> --headers
# ex. cargo run summary --path ./data/sample.csv --headers

# If file doesn't have headers
cargo run summary --path </path/to/data>
# ex. cargo run summary --path ./data/sample.json



cargo run plot --path </path/to/data> <--headers> --x <col_name> --y <col_name>
# ex. cargo run plot --path ./data/sample.csv --headers --x fats_g --y calories
# ex. cargo run plot --path ./data/sample.json --x fats_g --y calories

Unit Tests

make test


  • .devcontainer/ -- configures local development container environment
  • .github/workflows/CICD.yml -- triggers CI/CD on git push and pull request
  • data/ -- sample data files for unit testing
  • src/ -- shared library for and notebook.ipynb
  • src/ -- rusty-ds CLI script
  • cargo.toml -- cargo dependencies
  • notebook.ipynb -- Rust x Jupyter using EvCxR kernel
  • Makefile -- build commands and utilities


On git push/pull request the CI/CD flow is triggered using Github Actions:

  1. Install and validate Rust toolchain for each of stable/beta/nightly release
  2. Format and lint code
  3. Run unit tests
  4. Build binary release
  5. Lint Dockerfile
  6. Build distroless rusty-ds image
  7. Push image to Github Container Registry

NB: To build and push to GHCR, uncomment section in .github/workflows/CICD.yml


  • Add error handling for column name DNE
  • Add dynamic plot bounds


Project Repo:

Candle Cookbook


Cooking live @

πŸš€ Our Mission:

Democratize access to state of the art AI models.

⭐ Our Principles:

πŸ«±πŸΎβ€πŸ«²πŸΌ Trust ~ ethically sourced data and end-to-end transparency.

πŸ”’ Privacy ~ secure, on-device inference without data sharing.

🌏 Sustainability ~ optimize efficiency to minimize our carbon footprint.

πŸ›£οΈ Roadmap

Our goal is to document each stage of a fully transparent LLM development cycle

  • Publish MVP Candle Cookbook
  • Ethically source and construct an openly available LLM dataset
  • Build a Candle-based LLM from scratch
  • Customize LLM with finetuning
  • CI/CD deployment of LLM

πŸ•―οΈStart Here

Welcome! Get familiar with Candle Cookbook by going through some of our favourite introductory tutorials

We also recommend getting familiar with the Official Candle framework and User Guide

🌱 Contributing

We welcome contributions from anyone who aligns with Our Mission and Our Principles.

To get started as a contributor:

πŸ§‘β€πŸ³ Our Team:

Get to know our Community Leaders

Project Repo:

CI/CD Pipeline Download Latest

AWS Candle CLI Tool

A Rust CLI tool to support Candle Cookbook on AWS built using the AWS SDK for Rust


Jump to:


  1. Configure an EC2 instance depending on your model target and memory requirements. For a GPU Deep Learning enabled instance follow the Hello, Candle on AWS! tutorial

  2. Create an AWS IAM User Policy "Candle-Cli" with AmazonS3FullAccess and AmazonEC2FullAccess permissions

  3. Create an access key for your "Candle-Cli" user

  4. Create .env file and configure with AWS credentials and EC2 Key Pair

# $touch .env

CLI Commands

List Resources


  • --s3 ~ flag to list s3 resources
  • --ec2 ~ flag to list ec2 resources and status
# To list simultaneously
$ cargo run list --s3 --ec2

EC2 Instance Actions


  • --id ~ instance id
  • --action:
    • start: start instance
    • stop: stop instance
    • endpoint: get public endpoint
$ cargo run instance --id <INSTANCE_ID> --action <start|stop|endpoint>

SSH Connect to EC2 Instance

Quick Tip: first run cargo run list --ec2 to confirm instance is running!


  • --id ~ instance id
  • --mnt ~ mount local model directory to EC2 on launch
$ cargo run connect --id <INSTANCE_ID>

# To remove mount dir to free up memory
ubuntu@ip$ rm -r <MNT_DIR>

# To close SSH tunnel
ubuntu@ip$ exit

# Make sure to stop your EC2 instance to avoid charges
$ cargo run instance --id <INSTANCE_ID> --action stop

S3 Bucket Actions


  • --name ~ bucket name
  • --action:
    • list: list objects in the bucket
    • create: create new bucket with name --name
    • delete: delete bucket with name --name
$ cargo run bucket --name <BUCKET_NAME> --action <list|create|delete>

S3 Object Actions


  • --bucket ~ bucket name -- NB: Will create bucket if DNE
  • --key ~ object key or path/to/file for --action upload
  • --action:
    • upload: upload local file as bucket object
    • delete: delete object with key --key
    • get: download object with key --key to ./root
$ cargo run object --bucket <bucket_name> --key <object_key> --action <upload|delete|get>"
# ex: cargo run object --bucket my-bucket --key ./test/test.png --action upload
# ex: cargo run object --bucket my-bucket --key test.png --action get

Model Sources

The AWS Candle CLI is intended to support multiple workflows for building and executing Candle binaries.

Note: The first execution of a binary may take a while to run as the files have to be collected. Subsequent runs should execute much faster.

Build and run binaries on EC2

  1. Complete the Hello, Candle on AWS or CodePipeline + Jenkins tutorials to build binaries on your EC2 instance.

Note: You can replace skip the "Connect to EC2 via SSH" step and connect through the CLI tool instead!

# List your EC2 instances
$ cargo run list --ec2

# Connect to EC2
$ cargo run instance --id <INSTANCE_ID> --action start
$ cargo run connect --id <INSTANCE_ID>

# Complete tutorial
# Remember to skip the "Connect to EC2 via SSH" step

# Instantly run models from the remote EC2 terminal
ubuntu@ip$ ./quantized --prompt "who invented the lightbulb"

# Exit the SSH
ubuntu@ip$ exit

# Stop your instance
cargo run instance --id <INSTANCE_ID> --action stop

Mount local binary directory to EC2

You can mount a local directory of model binaries when you connect to your EC2 instance with the --mnt flag

# List your EC2 instances
$ cargo run list --ec2

# Connect to your EC2 instance + mount local model directory
$ cargo run connect --id <INSTANCE_ID> --mnt <PATH/TO/MNT_DIR>

# To remove mount dir to free up memory
ubuntu@ip$ rm -r <MNT_DIR>

# Exit SSH
ubuntu@ip$ exit

# Stop your instance
cargo run instance --id <INSTANCE_ID> --action stop

Note: You can build Candle binaries locally by following the Hello, Candle! tutorial.

Copy your S3 models to EC2

If you have Candle binaries stored as S3 objects or artifacts -- like if you completed the Hello, Candle on AWS! -- then you can copy them across to your EC2 instance.

Note: Ensure your EC2 is configured with IAM User Role with AmazonFullS3Access like in Hello, Candle on AWS!

# List your S3 buckets and EC2 instances
$ cargo run list --s3 --ec2

# List your S3 objects
$ cargo run bucket --name <BUCKET_NAME> --action list

# Connect to EC2
$ cargo run instance --id <INSTANCE_ID> --action start
$ cargo run connect --id <INSTANCE_ID>

# Check AWS CLI is installed
ubuntu@ip$ aws --version

# If not install AWS CLI
ubuntu@ip$ curl "" -o ""
ubuntu@ip$ unzip
ubuntu@ip$ sudo ./aws/install
ubuntu@ip$ rm -r

# Check install
ubuntu@ip$ aws --version

# Copy individual models from S3 to EC2
ubuntu@ip$ aws s3 cp s3://MY_BUCKET/model .

# Copy the entire bucket of model objects/artifacts from S3 to EC2
ubuntu@ip$ aws s3 sync s3://MY_BUCKET .

# Exit the SSH
ubuntu@ip$ exit

# Stop your instance
cargo run instance --id <INSTANCE_ID> --action stop

Download prebuilt binaries

Once connected to EC2 you can download run any of the prebuilt binaries available here. Make sure to run chmod +x to give EC2 execution permissions!

wget -O mistral-cudnn
chmod +x mistral-cudnn
./mistral-cudnn --prompt "who invented the lightbulb"

AWS Candle CLI Binary

Build Executable Locally

$ make release

Run AWS Candle CLI Locally

$ cd target/release
$ ./aws-candle <COMMANDS>
