Project Repo:

CI/CD Pipeline

IDS721 Spring 2023 Project 4 - Image Compression for Big Data

Image Compression for Big Data using EFS x Lambda x Rust. Uses downsampling + filter to perform inplace image compression in parallel and reduce the memory cost of big image data storage. Includes upsampling invocation option to restore image size.



cargo lambda invoke --remote \
    --data-ascii '{"dir": "imgs", "scale_op": "down", "scale_factor": 2, "filter": "Gaussian"}' \
    --output-format json \


  • dir = subdirectory to perform compression on i.e. /mnt/efs/{dir}
  • scale_op = "down","up"
  • scale_factor = factor to scale width/height
  • filter = "gaussian" (default), "nearest", "triangle", "catmullrom", "lanczos3"

Developer Setup

Configure AWS IAM Permissions

  1. Create an IAM User policy for "LambdaDev" with AWSLambda_FullAccess permissions and added custom inline permission config
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "PermissionsToDeploy",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
  1. Add "LambdaDev" access keys to your local ~/.aws/credentials file along with environment variables:
  • aws_access_key_id
  • aws_secret_access_key
  • aws_role_arn (NB: this is copied from the IAM user summary and is formatted as arn:aws:iam::<aws_acct>:user/<iam_user>)
  • region
  1. Create an IAM Role policy named "EFSxLambda" with AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole + AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole + AmazonElasticFileSystemClientFullAccess permissions

Deploy Lambda Fxn from Developer Environment (i.e. this repo)

# Install cargo-lambda
$ python3 -m venv ~/.venv
$ source ~/.venv/bin/activate
$ make install

# Build Binary 
$ make release

# Deploy to AWS
$ make deploy

Setup Cloud9

  1. Launch Cloud9 console and create an environment with "New EC2 Instance" + "SSM Connection" + "default VPC"
  2. Once provisioned, click on env details > EC2 instance > manage EC2 instance. Make note of the associated security group listed.

Setup EFS

  1. Launch AWS EFS console and provision EFS instance
  2. Once provisioned, click on file system name > network. Make note of the security group id listed.
  3. Under EFS access points tab > add access point > create with following settings:
  • Name: Lambda2EFS
  • Root directory path: / (by default root is /mnt/efs)
  • Posix User ID: 1000
  • Posix Group ID: 1000
  • Owner User ID: 1000
  • Owner Group ID: 1000
  • Access point permissions: 0777

Configure Security Groups

  1. From EC2 console > security groups > new security group:
  • Name = ImgComp
  • Description = Mangage img-comp lambda access
  • VPC = same as EFS (default)
  • Save
  1. To enable EFS --> Lambda: click ImgComp security group ID > edit inbound rules > Set: type = NFS, protocol = TCP, port range = 2049, source = custom > add the EFS security group ID (from the drop down box)
  2. To enable EFS --> Cloud9: click Cloud9 security group ID > edit inbound rules > Set: type = NFS, protocol = TCP, port range = 2049, source = custom > add the EFS security group ID (from the drop down box).
  3. To enable Lambda & Cloud 9 --> EFS: click EFS security group ID > edit inbound rules > add inbound rule for each:
  • Set: type = NFS, protocol = TCP, port range = 2049, source = custom > add the ImgComp security group ID (from the drop down box)
  • Set: type = NFS, protocol = TCP, port range = 2049, source = custom > add the Cloud9 security group ID (from the drop down box)

Configure Lambda

  1. Configuration > Permissions > edit execution role > select "EFSxLambda" from above
  2. Configuration > VPC > edit > select default VPC (to match EFS)
  3. Configuration > VPC > edit > select security group as ImgComp
  4. Configuration > File Systems > add EFS + access point + local mount path = /mnt/efs
  5. Configuration > Env Variables > LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /mnt/efs

Mount EFS to Cloud9

  1. Launch Cloud9 environment
  2. Run the following commands to mount to /mnt/efs
# Docs:

# Install efs-ultils (
sudo yum install -y amazon-efs-utils

sudo mkdir -p /mnt/efs

# From img-comp EFS > Attach > copy EFS helper command
sudo mount -t efs -o tls <AWS_FS_ID>:/ /mnt/efs

# Switch ownership permissions
sudo chown ec2-user:ec2-user /mnt/efs
sudo chmod 755 /mnt/efs

# Copy local Cloud9 imgs directory to EFS
cp -r imgs /mnt/efs

# check files have been moved over
cd /mnt/efs


  • Invokation failure may be insufficient lambda CPU/tmp storage that needs to be reconfigured for higher capacity
