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AWS Candle CLI Tool

A Rust CLI tool to support Candle Cookbook on AWS built using the AWS SDK for Rust


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  1. Configure an EC2 instance depending on your model target and memory requirements. For a GPU Deep Learning enabled instance follow the Hello, Candle on AWS! tutorial

  2. Create an AWS IAM User Policy "Candle-Cli" with AmazonS3FullAccess and AmazonEC2FullAccess permissions

  3. Create an access key for your "Candle-Cli" user

  4. Create .env file and configure with AWS credentials and EC2 Key Pair

# $touch .env

CLI Commands

List Resources


  • --s3 ~ flag to list s3 resources
  • --ec2 ~ flag to list ec2 resources and status
# To list simultaneously
$ cargo run list --s3 --ec2

EC2 Instance Actions


  • --id ~ instance id
  • --action:
    • start: start instance
    • stop: stop instance
    • endpoint: get public endpoint
$ cargo run instance --id <INSTANCE_ID> --action <start|stop|endpoint>

SSH Connect to EC2 Instance

Quick Tip: first run cargo run list --ec2 to confirm instance is running!


  • --id ~ instance id
  • --mnt ~ mount local model directory to EC2 on launch
$ cargo run connect --id <INSTANCE_ID>

# To remove mount dir to free up memory
ubuntu@ip$ rm -r <MNT_DIR>

# To close SSH tunnel
ubuntu@ip$ exit

# Make sure to stop your EC2 instance to avoid charges
$ cargo run instance --id <INSTANCE_ID> --action stop

S3 Bucket Actions


  • --name ~ bucket name
  • --action:
    • list: list objects in the bucket
    • create: create new bucket with name --name
    • delete: delete bucket with name --name
$ cargo run bucket --name <BUCKET_NAME> --action <list|create|delete>

S3 Object Actions


  • --bucket ~ bucket name -- NB: Will create bucket if DNE
  • --key ~ object key or path/to/file for --action upload
  • --action:
    • upload: upload local file as bucket object
    • delete: delete object with key --key
    • get: download object with key --key to ./root
$ cargo run object --bucket <bucket_name> --key <object_key> --action <upload|delete|get>"
# ex: cargo run object --bucket my-bucket --key ./test/test.png --action upload
# ex: cargo run object --bucket my-bucket --key test.png --action get

Model Sources

The AWS Candle CLI is intended to support multiple workflows for building and executing Candle binaries.

Note: The first execution of a binary may take a while to run as the files have to be collected. Subsequent runs should execute much faster.

Build and run binaries on EC2

  1. Complete the Hello, Candle on AWS or CodePipeline + Jenkins tutorials to build binaries on your EC2 instance.

Note: You can replace skip the "Connect to EC2 via SSH" step and connect through the CLI tool instead!

# List your EC2 instances
$ cargo run list --ec2

# Connect to EC2
$ cargo run instance --id <INSTANCE_ID> --action start
$ cargo run connect --id <INSTANCE_ID>

# Complete tutorial
# Remember to skip the "Connect to EC2 via SSH" step

# Instantly run models from the remote EC2 terminal
ubuntu@ip$ ./quantized --prompt "who invented the lightbulb"

# Exit the SSH
ubuntu@ip$ exit

# Stop your instance
cargo run instance --id <INSTANCE_ID> --action stop

Mount local binary directory to EC2

You can mount a local directory of model binaries when you connect to your EC2 instance with the --mnt flag

# List your EC2 instances
$ cargo run list --ec2

# Connect to your EC2 instance + mount local model directory
$ cargo run connect --id <INSTANCE_ID> --mnt <PATH/TO/MNT_DIR>

# To remove mount dir to free up memory
ubuntu@ip$ rm -r <MNT_DIR>

# Exit SSH
ubuntu@ip$ exit

# Stop your instance
cargo run instance --id <INSTANCE_ID> --action stop

Note: You can build Candle binaries locally by following the Hello, Candle! tutorial.

Copy your S3 models to EC2

If you have Candle binaries stored as S3 objects or artifacts -- like if you completed the Hello, Candle on AWS! -- then you can copy them across to your EC2 instance.

Note: Ensure your EC2 is configured with IAM User Role with AmazonFullS3Access like in Hello, Candle on AWS!

# List your S3 buckets and EC2 instances
$ cargo run list --s3 --ec2

# List your S3 objects
$ cargo run bucket --name <BUCKET_NAME> --action list

# Connect to EC2
$ cargo run instance --id <INSTANCE_ID> --action start
$ cargo run connect --id <INSTANCE_ID>

# Check AWS CLI is installed
ubuntu@ip$ aws --version

# If not install AWS CLI
ubuntu@ip$ curl "" -o ""
ubuntu@ip$ unzip
ubuntu@ip$ sudo ./aws/install
ubuntu@ip$ rm -r

# Check install
ubuntu@ip$ aws --version

# Copy individual models from S3 to EC2
ubuntu@ip$ aws s3 cp s3://MY_BUCKET/model .

# Copy the entire bucket of model objects/artifacts from S3 to EC2
ubuntu@ip$ aws s3 sync s3://MY_BUCKET .

# Exit the SSH
ubuntu@ip$ exit

# Stop your instance
cargo run instance --id <INSTANCE_ID> --action stop

Download prebuilt binaries

Once connected to EC2 you can download run any of the prebuilt binaries available here. Make sure to run chmod +x to give EC2 execution permissions!

wget -O mistral-cudnn
chmod +x mistral-cudnn
./mistral-cudnn --prompt "who invented the lightbulb"

AWS Candle CLI Binary

Build Executable Locally

$ make release

Run AWS Candle CLI Locally

$ cd target/release
$ ./aws-candle <COMMANDS>
